Thursday, October 12, 2006

Thanx For All of Your Patience, Internet Being Hooked Up Next Wednesday, Next Blog Sunday with Expanded Eye Candy

Happy Thursday Blogger Friends. Looks like next Wednesday is the quickest they can intall Internet cable in my apartment, and then of course, who knows how long I will be living there, but at least I will be able to be back online everyday. I hope your week has been going well for all of you and those here in the midwest and northeast with me are ready for our first cold snap of the season. Here in exile in NE Ohio, we are going down to the 20's this evening with a "smattering" of snow showers possible and some lake effect snow as well. I remember the days back in California, when I was planning my Halloween costume around what would be the coolest thing to where, (and not the kewlest,) like a pirate with frayed shorts or a hobo with holes all over your t-shirt and pants to keep from sweating as you went door to door candy grovelling.

How did you spend "National Coming Out Day" yesterday?? Were you able to make a statement to others, a difference in a close friends life, or a baby step in your own coming out process?? No matter what you did, I hope you took a second to let yourself know that it's alright being gay. It may not be easy. It may not be socially accepted in some places. And it may not even be safe in some places, but if it is who you are, it is a step to being and living your true life. Personally, I talked with some co-workers about it yesterday, letting a couple who didn't know into my reality, and thanking the co-workers that did know, how thankful I was to have them on my side and for letting me be me. I also spent some time writing and polishing a couple of the booklets I am writing about gay life, and just taking some time to myself acknowledging that I am a good person, who cares for others, who tries to do what is right, and who happens to be gay.

Another thing I am bummed about with my current living problem, since my landlord took out the Internet and satellite tv that was included in my rent, I will be missing the premiere of 'Jacob and Joshua, Nemesis Rising,' on the LOGO channel this coming Monday. As I posted about before, Jacob and Joshua are identical twins, that are gay, and are trying to become pop stars, recording as "Nemesis". Their reality show will be at 10pm on Mondays and will follow them as they try to get their career off the ground in L.A. I will try to get all the inside scoop on it I can find on the net, and talk about it more next week. I will miss the premiere, but after everything gets installed in my name next Wednesday, I should be back on track to keep you updated on this series.

I am going to make this short today, and wont be able to post again until Sunday. I am sorry for all the inconvenience to you blogger friends, but when I come back full steam next Wednesday, it will be extra goodies galore for the first week or so to get everything back on track......take care and have a good weekend, will talk to you Sunday. Eye Candy will be back with a huge expanded edition on Sunday.......GG



I totally forgot about coming out day, wow.


I did my coming out along time ago! but I'm glad you reminded us. Hope to see you online soon. ;-) peace

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