Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Years Resolutions Are From The Devil, Hug A Homo

So New Years resolutions blogger friends and readers were made to be broken!! It took me three days to break the, "I resolve to post something on the blog everyday, anything, even just to say hi." Well, that is shot to hell already, LOL. Seriously, who started these resolution things? Was it a bad person that really needed to repent for being such a snot? Are we really going around every year, emulating some totally messed up dude who needed to resolve not to be such a bad guy anymore? I am resolving that New Years resolutions are from the devil, evil, icky, and should not be emulated anymore. Thank God, now I can go finish that pint of Handel's Chocolate Pecan ice cream that is sitting in my freezer, that I resolved to stop eating dessert for the month of January. Of course, if I ate it for breakfast, it would'nt be dessert and I could keep my resolution! Oh Well, whatever, too much randomness for 630 in the morning boys and girls.

Have you hugged a homo today?? Well, I am hoping it will catch on. One of my directions on this blog in 2007 is to "Hug A Homo". As politically incorrect as that sounds, the idea is altruistic enough. From time to time, or maybe weekly, or maybe more often then that, I am going to randomly pick someone from the GLBT community, who deserves a hug and some kudo's for what they have done, or are doing to hold up our community with honor, dignity and respect. Today I am giving a "HUG" to high school senior Yasmin Gonzalez. If you have not been following her story, Yasmin is a 17yo high school senior in Okeechobee, Florida. She has become something of a target since November, when the American Civil Liberties Union filed a federal lawsuit on her behalf against the Okeechobee High School principal and school board for refusing to let her establish a Gay-Straight Alliance, an after-school club that promotes dialogue and tolerance. But public sentiment runs against Gonzalez in Okeechobee, a town of about 5,500 residents and around 60 churches 70 miles northwest of West Palm Beach. "I don't think it's right. If they're going to let that in school, it's showing it's OK. In the Bible it says it's an abomination. (A Gay-Straight Alliance) is not a message you want to give your kids," 31-year-old Dave Mangold said, sitting on a picnic bench in the heart of town on a recent afternoon. The father of three said most people feel the same way in this "small, hick town." Gonzalez doesn't believe in God or pray anymore, "because you can only be told you are going to hell so many times," she says. Yasmin says she never set out to make news, she just wanted to take her girlfriend to the prom. She gathered 500 signatures when the school told her they wouldn't allow same-sex couples, but nothing changed. When Yasmin tried to register her club, she said administrators first told her the school didn't allow any (despite listing more than a dozen on its Web site, like Future Farmers of America and Key Club). Later Gonzalez said she was told there were too many clubs, and finally that the school had an abstinence-only policy.

You can read the whole story HERE, but for today, think about if you were back in high school, and what difference a club would have made that was about your friends and peers accepting you for your true self you were becoming. Yasmin Gonzalez deserves a big Homo Hug, not just from me, but from everyone in our GLBT community for standing up for what is right, at a young 17. If you have anyone you know or read about who is deserving of a "HUG", drop me an email or send me a comment. I would love to feature them if I can here at the blog. Thanx Yasmine, good luck in college and all you do, "HUGZ!!"



Mondays. It's all about Mondays, on Monday I will lose weight, on Monday I will start at the gym...why do New Years? When you can always do Mondays!! *note* Mondays, do not work...just like New Years. ;-) peace

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