Tuesday, January 16, 2007

New Series Coming to HERE TV! Lite Blogging Ahead

Hey blogger friends! The snow has finally found it's way back to NE Ohio, and I was sorta hoping we could skip Winter this year, dangit!! I got an email from my friend John over at HERE TV!, talking about the new television show, where they just finished wrapping it's innaugeral 6 episode season. It's called "The Lair" and is scheduled for a Spring 2007 premiere. Set in a small coastal town, The Lair opens as the bodies of young nameless men are turning up dead with vicious wounds to their necks. A young journalist is investigating a series of mysterious John Doe murders. Clues to these crimes lead him directly to a private gentlemen's club called The Lair, where the deepest, darkest desires are fulfilled. As he gets closer to solving the mystery, Thom finds himself ensnared in a blood thirsty coven of vampires. The Lair stars Peter Stickles, who gathered a following this year from his work in the acclaimed indie Shortbus, as Damian, the leader of the coven of gay vampires, as well as newcomer David Moretti, who takes the lead as Thom. With a strong, talented cast, HERETV! is pleased to add "The Lair" as another original scripted series to our growing slate of projects. Programming on the network, runs the gamut from sexy soap operas to thought-provoking documentaries, and The Lair is a welcome addition to that line up. The Lair is the latest project reflecting HERETV's commitment to bring fresh original programming to the LGBT community.

This week is kinda slammed for me boys and girls, I have a huge open house that I have organized for the studio to get our name out there, the mayor, a congressman, and some heavy officials who can use our services in the future are going to be there, so I need to get everything organized down to the last details. I also need to get ready for my roadtrip to Daveys, (please no more snow, please no more snow!!) Sorry if posts will be lite this week....take care..........GG

Monday, January 15, 2007

Jake Gyllenhal: Saturday Night Dreamgirl, Win One/Lose One on TV

Good Morning Blogger Friends and Readers. Hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was busy getting things done so I can go on my roadtrip next weekend to help save Daveys Basement. If you have not been to the gossip blogs this weekend, you may be one of the 4 people who havent seen Jake Gyllenhal's opening bit on Saturday Night Live this past Saturday. I gotta say a couple of things; first, that was no mocking, that was pure comedy and a big shout out to his gay fans. It seems Jake is humble enough to know that he is starting to shoot thru the roof right now, BECAUSE of the support of our GLBT community. He is also fearless, to pull that skit off with no timidness or afraid to show his stuff, in drag, or whatever, is someone who is very comfortable with himself. And third, the notes werent always there, but more were on than off, and he was pushing it to the back of the building. If he can reasonably sing a tune that well as needed, I think we need to sign him up for "Brokeback The Musical"!! Hey, it could happen, lol.........

We Win One, and We Lose One! On TV last night, we lost one of the two gay candidates in DT's Apprentice. Somehow, Carey thought about 5 inches of pink paisley fabric was going to make a "fabulous" mens swim trunk. He was able to channel his inner porn version of Issac Miszrahi, or whatever the heck, and was happy as a little princess, but it helped his team lose the task. Back to the tents with them. And next week, all but one are back to the tents AGAIN, because DT gave the winning team a pass next week and the losers all have to compete individually against each other next week.

Last night on Brothers and Sisters, we won BIG time. Hottie Jason Lewis showed up as a closeted soap star who Kevin meets in the gym. It was pretty out there as his character really pursues Kevin hardcore, but then pulls the "girlfriend" card at just the right times to keep him guessing. Should be an interesting storyline, and hey, we got another same sex couple kiss, no big deal on a major network in primetime again, you gotta love that!! More later friends..........GG

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Inaugeration Balls (don't think so dirty), Road Trip To Daveys Basement On Film, In The News, TV Tonight

Hey Blogger Friends and Readers, I am sorry to be away, but I do not have remote blogging capability as of yet, and I have been off to the State Capitol the last couple of days!! It was a big election this year in Ohio, as well as the rest of the country. For the first time in 16 years, the Democrats have taken back the Major elective offices of the state; Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, and Treasurer have all swept the elections with the exception of State Auditor, but it's good to have the opposing party looking over the books while you are in office.

Any whoooo, I was invited very last minute to attend the innaugeral balls, (now doesnt that sound like something a gay congressmen could get impeached for, lol,) and had to make my way to Columbus, Ohio. It was a fantastic time, and I will post pictures when I get some. Here's the deal friends, the reason I dont bring my own camera to these events usually, is that I am VERY forgetful in my old age, lol, and end up leaving my camera, or other important things there, if they dont fit in my pocket. The pictures from PRIDE last year in Cleveland were no exception, I lost my camera once, but thank goodness friends were playing a trick on me, and had it.

However, I was able to talk my boss at the production studio, into coming with me next weekend to the "BREAK THE BOYCOTT" benefit for Davey's Basement, next week. He offered to bring a couple of camera's that HE will be responsible for, LOL, so I can have some fun interviews and pictures and even videos to post here and on the website. According to Terri, you my loyal and AWESOME reader friends have done most of the donating so far. You can still help out the cause and make a donation, or buy something off the Davey's Basement website, and help save the store. If you are able to get to Lansing, Michigan next Saturday, the 20th of January, come visit the Gay Guru, Live, In Person, and help out a great cause.

There's been some interesting things, IN THE NEWS.............in typical WTF are you thinking in the Democrats, Gay Foe To Lead Centrist Democratic Wing; money, AND he wears a uniform, how hot is that?, Gay Cop Wins $450K in Bias Suit; now didnt the supreme court of Jersey say it "cannot discriminate based on homosexuality"?, Churches Exempt From NJ Civil Union Law AG Says; if it wasnt for the water, maybe we should illegally immigrate over there, 2nd Mexico State OKs Civil Unions; you gotta love those conservative's, i mean, really, you gotta, someone has to, they're idiots, Miami Mayor Under Fire For Pro Gay Comments; and finally, a gay waiter in NYC, really? who would have thought?, Gay Waiter Accuses Exclusive NYC Restaurant With Discrimination.

Tonight is my favorite television show, "Brothers and Sisters", at 10pm on ABC. If you STILL havent heard me gush enough about this show, and havent seen it yet, go check out the past episodes at ABC.com. You will be glad you did. If you are looking for a fun, easy drama with a positive gay character, this is the one. Tonight, our favorite gay Kevin meets his new love interest, the "closeted gay soap star" tonight. Oh, and did I mention, the soap star is played by the hot-as-hell Jason Lewis!! Should be some interesting TV. And of course, Rob Lowe has joined the cast as well, BONUS!! Dont ring my phone from 10-11pm blogger friends, LOL.

I have to admit the premiere of "You're The One That I Want", last week, where they are searching for the new leads for an upcoming Broadway produciton of "Grease", was not the most riveting casting calls. It was totally American Idol formulaic, but was just a little flat. Maybe when they actually get down to the final 12 and we start voting them out it will get more exciting, but I think I am back to crying with "Extreme Home Makeover" tonight instead.

Captured Cuties Later..........enjoy........GG

Thursday, January 11, 2007

21,500 More Troops, Dont Ask, Don't Tell, Wayne Besen on Mitt Romney

21,500! A war fought on false pretenses, a very bad man running the country, but false pretenses for going to war all the same. We have claimed victory, (landing on the air craft carrier,) or "turned the corner", (with the democratic government in place, we have turned a corner in Iraq,) more times than a grieving soldiers family should have to bare. Of course if we question our President's judgement, we are asked, "Do you want to lose this war?", when that very option may not be possible. I am no general or commander in chief, but dont you build up your forces when you go INTO a war, and not 4 years later? As Colin Powell has said, this really isn't a troop build up at all, a surge is accurate, because there are no troops to build up. This is taking those scheduled to go into Iraq on the next rotation, and putting them in earlier, and those scheduled to leave Iraq, will now stay longer, and not be allowed to come home. Well, maybe not in the conventional way, sigh! If you look at the stats, 21,500 is not really a build up, but more of a replacement. We have had over 3,000 killed, and 18,000 is probably close to the number wounded, lots permanently, since this all began. Do I want this to work? Of course!! But the track record is not so good, and I am afraid of the chances of more getting hurt. President Bush, you will take your last, best shot, and for the country's sake, I hope it works. But if it doesnt, Please don't embarrass us any longer with your pitiful stances on gay marriage, stem cell research, a woman's right to choose. You will have lost ALL credibility sir, and you have been hanging by a thread with what's left of your credibility for a long time. God Bless The USA, and bring our troops back safe!!

On a related note, the rumor mill has been swirling about the eventual repeal of "Dont Ask, Dont Tell." We had a lively discussion about this the other night, and here are some of the highlights....On the one side, friends are saying that this is a plot. That they are talking or repealing the law because of the lack of troops and they just want to put us gay's in harms way, as the army and marines shrink. They think that it will be put back in place after the war is over. My feelings are that we need to be united in this and not send out mixed messages. If we are asking for equal status, in marriage, or any other type of institution, we must be consistent and ask for equality in joining the armes services, adoption, foster care, and anywhere else we are being discriminated against. Whether it is politically or strategically motivated or not, repealling the "Dont Ask" law is necessary in order to quash discrimination. Our tough and talented and politcally active youth members of "SoulForce", have been getting themselves arrested for protesting outside of recruiting stations that wont take their applications, after they proudly let them know that they happen to be gay. Don't let their actions be for no reason. It is time to let those brave GLBT men and women who want to serve their country, be allowed, no matter what the state of the country is in, war or not. Equality does not mean just in the best of situations, it's in the trying times of war as well.

And finally, while I am in a political mood this morning, Here is an expose on a Presidential Wannabee, Mitt Romney, former Governor of Massachussetts, the only state where gay marriage is legal, so you think he would be a little more tolerant.....WRONG!! This is a great piece by author, activist Wayne Besen as reported for 365gay.com.....talk later.....enjoy........GG

"In my mind, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney is the most unacceptable presidential candidate in the 2008 race. He is a fair-weather phony that will say or do anything to get elected. In short, he is a poster-boy for everything wrong with politics and represents the reason many people stay home instead of heading to the polls on Election Day.

On the surface, Romney appears to be a strong candidate. He is articulate, looks presidential and was elected governor of a liberal state. He turned state deficits into surpluses and helped pass an innovative healthcare plan in Massachusetts.

Even with his impressive resume and stature, Romney has an uphill battle for the Oval Office because he is a Mormon. Polls show that nearly 4 out of 10 Americans would not vote for a person of this religious persuasion. In order to offset this baggage, Romney’s strategy is to sandbag gay people.

The legalization of equal marriage rights in Massachusetts has offered Romney a perfect platform to pretend he is a right wing ideologue. Last year, he courted noted fundamentalist leaders and reportedly met with Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell and Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Romney also embarked on a self-serving, stomach-turning tour of southern states, where the sitting governor showed remarkable disloyalty by unabashedly bashing Massachusetts. To warm up conservative audiences, Mitt used one-liners such as, "Being a conservative Republican in Massachusetts," he told a GOP audience in South Carolina, "is a bit like being a cattle rancher at a vegetarian convention."

But Romney’s gesture made him look like a jester whose comedic talents as the Bay State buffoon were only surpassed months later by Sen. John Kerry’s crack about our troops in Iraq on the dawn of a midterm election.

Of course, if the Mormon issue does not sink Romney, the moron issue likely will. The undeniable fact is that Mitt is full of it. Like the quintessential snake oil salesman, he changes his sales pitch depending on what audience he is addressing. He seems tragically unaware that satellites and the Internet have been invented and what he says in Red States can be viewed instantaneously in Blue States.

For example, while speaking to the rabidly conservative crowd in South Carolina, Romney flat-out lied about his own stance on gay marriage - erroneously claiming that he has opposed civil unions "from day one". According to an article in the Boston Herald, Mitt had for months backed a constitutional amendment, which would ban same-sex marriage while allowing Vermont-like civil unions.

Such duplicity on gay rights has become a hallmark of Romney’s. In Bay Windows, New England’s largest gay publication, Susan Ryan-Vollmar highlighted Mitt’s metamorphosis. The protean pol pandered for gay votes until he thought it was more advantageous to pound gay voters in his bid for the presidency.

In 1994, when he was running against Ted Kennedy in his bid for U.S. Senate, Romney wrote a flowery letter to the Massachusetts Log Cabin Club saying "we seek to establish full equality for American gay and lesbian citizens, I will provide more effective leadership than my opponent."

In his successful governors race in 2002, Romney and his running mate, Kerry Healey, distributed pink fliers at a Gay Pride parade, proclaiming, "Mitt and Kerry wish you a great Pride weekend."

You have to hand it to Romney for Chutzpah. He thinks he can sound like Harvey Milk for a decade and then pivot in an election year and milk votes from the Falwell crowd. Sadly, his political calculations may be correct. This is why it is up to the GLBT community to derail Romney’s campaign. However, we have to be smart about it. Paradoxically, the more the gay community denounces Romney, the more viable he looks to voters in South Carolina.

I have a solution. An enterprising activist should start a web campaign, www.RomneyLovesGays.com. The site should list his campaign appearances across the nation so local activists can mobilize and show up at his events. However, instead of calling him a hypocrite, we should call him a hero.

I can’t think of anything that would sabotage his campaign more than gay activists thanking him at campaign rallies for his efforts to outflank Ted Kennedy on gay rights. The signs held by activists at these events should read “Gays Love Mitt” or ‘Thanks for your Support” and contain large rainbows or pink triangles.

The more love we show for Romney, the more the right will love to hate him. Ironically, Romney can bring Falwell and gay people together with both sides saying “Amen” to the concept that character matters for a would-be president."

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Award Season, Captured Cuties

Award season has begun again blogger friends and readers. Queen Latifah and company were rocking it at the Shrine Auditorium in L.A. tonight. I have to admit, I usually LOVE awards shows. Some can be pretty lame, but the chance to dress up for the night, have a blast hob nobbing with the rich and famous, (or I guess your friends and aquaintances if you ARE rich and famous). I used to go to the awards shows a lot when I lived in L.A. They use "seat fillers" so that the auditorium always looks full. My friend was a coordinator for the Comedy Awards and the Peoples Choice, but he got to send people to the Acadamy Awards and the Emmys. The thing is, that you are constantly moving around the theatre while stars go backstage to present an award, or after they win one. You usually end up sitting next to "so and so's" husband/wife/etc, or next to another star. The bonus of knowing the coordinator, is that he knew what stars were going to be last minute no-shows, and we would get to sit in the same place throughout the night. One night comedy award night, I got to sit at the "saturday night live table" when dana carvey couldnt be there last minute. Another night I sat next to Valerie Harper,(Rhoda), all night long. Both times were fantastic.

It gets me thinking though why we dont try to have our own awards show for gay filmaking. I mean, I guess we do with the "spirit" awards for independent movies, and film festivals, but wouldn't it be kinda kewl to have our own awards show. Could you imagine how hot a lot of the male stars would look, and how fabulous the drag boys would show up, LOL. Get's me cracking up just thinking about it.

It's quiet outside as we get another snowfall. This is only like our second one of the year that is sticking a bit. Enjoy the rest of your week friends. Captured Cuties today are from blogger friend Marco at One Third Basketi....Enjoy...GG

THANK YOU, I Love the GLBT Community and Our Supporters, In The News, New Job is Great

There have been a couple of times throughout these last 10 months of blogging, where I have asked myself what I was thinking of, is it really worth it? You all remind me again and again why I do though. Already some of you have donated some hard earned dollars to the "BREAK THE BOYCOTT" campaign, that I am supporting for Davey's Basement. In less than 2 weeks it will be a yes or now whether the store can remain open or move to fight the boycott. I know times are tough for everyone, and I appreciate anyone who has a couple of dollars or more to send to Terri Yale and her family. My thought process is this. If you lived close by, you would probably come to support the cause and listen to the music. It is $6 bucks to get in the door, and you would probably have a beer or two. Please take that $10 dollars you would have spent if you could and send it to the paypal addy on my website link. Then just stay home on Saturday the 20th, and imagine you are there supporting your GLBT community. Thanx again for those who have donated, and to those who will in the next 2 weeks. If you cant donate, because times are hard for everyone, I know, please at least spread the word about it in your blogs, or with friends or whatever. I am proud to write this blog, and I hope to never stop being amazed at the friends I have met on here, THANK YOU!!

Around the block there is more IN THE NEWS............ i thought the swiss were always so neutral, Swedish Court Rejects Lesbian Co-Parenting; and you wonder why we have to keep the memory of Mathew Sheppard alive, Federal Trial Begins In Gay Rape-Drug Murder Case; now this is an eye opener for all gay marriage proponents, NY Judge Voids Mass. Gay Marriage But Upholds $780K Post-Nup; at least when the armed service bungles it, they bungle big, Military: Gays Need Not Apply, Dead Welcome; and finally, is that a condom in your pocket, or you just ride the subway?, NY Wraps Itself In Latex.

First day on the new job went fantastic, thanx for all of the kind emails of support. I am slowly turning the office as gay friendly as possible, and if any of you have any audio/visual/multimedia needs for you GLBT business or project, please let me know. I did submit my first proposal yesterday that looks like it could get a $36,000 dollar production deal for an outdoor television show we would edit the completed footage of. I also sold a commercial production package to a computer office, so I am hitting the ground running.

I will be back with more later this evening blogger friends..........GG

Sunday, January 07, 2007

BREAK THE BOYCOTT, You Are The One That I Want, Captured Cuties

Hey Blogger Friends and Readers. Hope you all had an enjoyable weekend. Mine was spent mostly cleaning up loose ends to start my new job full time on Monday. So I told you all about my hero, Terri Yale and her family that have gone thru the crisis of a boycott, eggs being thrown and drastic reduction of business, ever since she decided to support the local high school Gay/Straight Alliance by donating a float for their homecoming parade. It's been a hard 3 months for the Yale family and the store, Davey's Basement, and decisions have to be made. If things continue as they are, Terri is sure she will have to close the store by the end of February. However, some local artists are not letting this happen quietly and are staging one big benefit to try to keep the business alive.

The band "Minor Planets", who has a transgendered member, has created a benefit with a few other bands to help "BREAK THE BOYCOTT", and give Terri and Davey's Basement at least some breathing room for the next few months. There will be bands, a silent auction of signed music posters, cd's, art, area businesses and much, much more. The benefit is being held at Mac's Bar in nearby Lansing, Michigan from 5-9pm, and all ages are welcome until 9pm in this one time special event. The goal is to raise enough money to pay the lease and utilities for the next 6 months, and maybe get enough money to move the business to the more friendly city of Lansing, with a little bigger space to give room for GLBT youth, along with any other disenfranchised kids to have a place to hang out and be safe from prejudice and harrasment. Maybe even put in a coffee bar in it. The Gay Guru is breaking exile in NE Ohio to drive up to the event to help out in any way I can. YOU can help out in one of 3 ways. Come join us for the benefit, you can check out the GG Webpage or Davey's Webpage for more information. Purchase some music, paraphenalia, or GLBT buttons, stickers or keychains from the Davey's Website. Or donate money, tax-free, to the "BREAK THE BOYCOTT" fund, by sending money thru paypal by using the links at the websites above. We have to stop discrimination where it lives in 2007, and a boycott for a family business that supports Gay Youth is just WRONG!! Please make the Gay Guru and your GLBT community proud and donate to this benefit and worthy family and business!!

Minor Planets

Television is interesting tonight. Sunday has always been easy for me. A good cry watching Extreme Home Makeover, a good laugh at the usually funny Desperate Housewives, and then a feel good hour with one of my favorite new shows with a bonus of having a strong male co-star as well, watching Brothers and Sisters. Usually there has been no competition, but then NBC comes along and messes everything up. Against Extreme Makeover tonight, they begin their reality series, "You Are The One That I Want," the search for the next leads of a Broadway production of "GREASE." How can a card carrying homo say no to bad tv, centering around a triend and true musical?? And Rosie hating, (or should I say blood sucking publicity leech on Rosie's hard working fat ass,) Donald Trump, has his next season of The Apprentice debuting tonight. Since you know my undying loyalty is to Rosie O'Donnell, you would think this would be an easy choice and to dump the donald and get back to the second half of housewives and brothers and sisters. Not so fast blogger friends, I actually liked The Apprentice, and this season they have not 1 but 2 gay males on their fighting for their chance to suck up, errrr, i mean, work for The Donald. Decisions, decisions, luckily, Housewives and Brothers/Sisters are rerun the next day on ABC.com, so I think it will just be a quick flip flop to see Extreme Makeover on the commercials for Grease. Am I a dork or what, LOL.

Not much in the news this weekend that was too interesting so it's time to say goodbye til tomorrow. Captured Cuties today were found on good blogger buddies Leonard's, The Wonderful World of Leonard. This is a bud I want to hang out with on my next trip to California. Between him, SocalMuchacha, Wat and Mikey, should be good times...........Enjoy..........GG

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Saturday Morning Cartoon Blah's, PFLAG Protect Your Rights

Morning blogger friends and readers. Much to do this weekend. Need to go into the studio today and put together a print and web ad for the business that is running in 2 weeks, need to finish updating the website a bit, and need to take a little time to chill. Hope you all have something exciting or relaxing to do over the weekend, whatever is needed. Is it me, or have I just gone over the edge with my birthday happening last week and all? Don't Saturday morning cartoon shows SUCK!! I used to be so excited for the saturday morning shows, and while relaxing on the couch today, I decided to indulge in some nostalgia. That lasted about 5 minutes. A narcissistic emporor on Disney, some lame horses on another channel. What happened to the kewl stuff on Saturday mornings. Okay, I am old, I admit it, I wont scare you all with all the references I can conjure up, but even He-Man and Skeletor were better than some of the stuff I see now. And what happened to the live action shows? Remember ISIS and SHAZAM hour? Sigmund and the Seamonsters? Sigmund and Johnny and Scott were friends you know!! (scott, hahah). Anyway, maybe I am just too old, but I cant find a decent Saturday morning show, and I am just gonna go to work.........how sad is that!!

For my local NE Ohio friends, there is an important seminar being held in a couple of weeks. The local PFLAG chapter is hosting a seminar on how to legally and financially set up your estate as part of the GLBT community. With the passage 2 years ago of Issue 1 here in Ohio, that was one of the most far reaching, anti-gay marriage and civil union measures in the country, this is a very important seminar. I urge you all to go if you have the time. For my non-local readers, contact your local area PFLAG or Gay and Lesbian Community Service Center, and see if they can arrange something like this in your home town. Until we get full equal rights under the law as our straight counterparts, we MUST protect ourselves, our families, and our estates. THANX PFLAG.......

Friday, January 05, 2007

My New Job as Sales and Marketing Director, Captured Cuties

Evening blogger friends and readers. It became official today!! After reviewing all that I have been doing for my buddy Chip's business and the direction we have been able to take it in the 6 weeks of helping him out, I am now officially on the payroll. I am very happy and leaving my current job almost immediately. There is no ill-will, I am able to trade out of most of my shifts for my two-weeks notice, so I will be rehirable, and leave in good graces. I am now the Sales and Marketing Director for Accent Media, LLC, thank you very much. I actually took a small cut in pay to accept the job, but the trade-offs are definitely worth it. I now set my schedule, instead of working the horrid 130pm to 10pm shift I was stuck with in my old job. I now have weekends and evenings off, and not Thursday/Sundays. I now have a job that I fully enjoy and uses my talents, more than I was doing at the old one. I will probably end up putting in more hours at this new place, because I like it so much, and that's the way we are really going to succeed and both make more money. As Sales and Marketing Director, the more succesful I make the company and Chip the owner, the more succesful I will be as well. I am basically the second in charge of the entire company and involved in all facets, personnel, accounting, the whole nine yards. This will allow Chip to assume more of a Creative Director role, and make sure that all of the work we do for our clients is of the best quality we can make it, building our brand and our reputation. I will blog more about it soon, and be looking to all of you blogger friends and readers for clients. It's the digital age out there boys and girls and we are ready to move.

Enjoy your weekend all, and enjoy a couple Captured Cuties from the always hot lover of boys, over at, Addicted to Boy Beauty. Talk soon........GG

Beware of Blog Stealers, FABulous Fridays Is Here Again

Morning blogger friends and readers. I want to share with you an email I got this morning. I have been hearing from a lot of blogger friends about their blog accounts getting hijacked and stolen, and all messed up. I hope it wasnt because one of these letters. I took out the links that were included because I am not sure if they are good or not, but the whole thing sounds fishy. I am NOT locked out of my blogger account, and there was no reason to regain access. As soon as I saw the email, I tried to log into my account without touching any of the links they gave me and it is fine. Be wary blogger friends.........

This email is a response to your request for information about your
Blogger account. To regain access to your account, please click on the
following link:

Clicking on this link will take you to a web page that will let you
choose a new password. Once you've submitted your new password, you'll
be able to log in to your Blogger account.

If in the process of recovering your password you see the log into
Blogger page, please see this Blogger Help article for information on
how to fix your browsers cookie settings:

You could also try logging in/recovering your password from a different
web browser - we recommend Mozilla Firefox:


The Blogger Team

Doesnt that sound fishy to you?? There were three links there, even one for firefox at the end. Just thought I would pass this along to you, so you dont get attacked by a blogger thief.

I havent had a FABulous Friday with you all in a while, so here's some of the latest gadgets that are waaaaaay to expensive to afford, but fun and I want them anyway. Enjoy your weekend blogger friends, see you in the chat at 7pm and 11pm tonight Eastern US time. Will post again late night. And we are off with FABulous finds on a another FABulous Friday..............GG

Want a sleigh as impressive as Santa! Then Armchair Cruisers offer an equally impressive ride for you that won’t take-off like Santa’s reindeer sledge, but is good enough to take you around the town! The motorized chair can turn in a 360 and it features a booming stereo too inside the couch, so you can launch yourself on the road with all the pomp and show, sitting comfy in your chair with a coke in your hand! You can even get your own customized version. All you need is, let them know 6 weeks in advance, to create a brand-spanking new couch for you! The prices of the motorized armchairs can vary from $3995 for a single seater, to $7995 for a gas-powered loveseat. And, if you want to get even more comfortable then you can even opt for the Motorized Sleeper Bed from Street Sleepers.

Bikes are not our first love, but, we do love to discuss about luxury bikes, be it the MoonChoppers 18K Gold Chopper, 24K gold-plated Kawasaki ZX-636 or the beastly Chrysler Tomahawk V10 Motorcycle. Another unique addition to our unique bike collection is The Dolmette which is the world’s first chainsaw powered motorcycle. The motorcycle is powered by 24 DOLMAR chainsaw engines and it uses a 5-speed Harley-Davidson transmission by a series of twelve toothed belts to deliver 5.2 kW of power (7.1 PS) at 10,000 rpm. The deadly beast churns-out a top speed of 125 kW when all 24 engines are combined. Check-out YouTube video here.

If you don’t mind going overboard with blingy stuff then this limited edition Signature Cobra cell phone from Vertu will indeed make you the ‘Bling King’ yet again! The Signature Cobra, designed by French jeweler Boucheron features cobra motif that features one pear-cut diamond, one round white diamond, two emerald eyes and 439 rubies. And, the cobra Vertu will be available in limited edition of just 8 pieces for a price tag of $310,000. There is even a less pricier version called Signature Python that sells for $115,000 and will be available in limited edition of 26 sets.

And finally, just think of those chilling winter days, when you just could not concentrate on your work, especially if you have a desk job just like me! Then, no more worries, I have got a perfect solution to keep you hooked to your computer table even when it’s snowing outside. This Tabletop GlassFire Smokeless Fireplace will keep you warm while you are busy working! The portable fireplace can be carried wherever you like, indoors and outdoors and it’s dancing flames will be a treat to watch too! The stylish fireplace is crafted of heavy Italian glass and gleaming aluminum and it includes sand, faux logs, and a lighter. The fire is easily extinguished with the included snuffer. The fireplace sells for $549 at Frontgate. You can even settle for a less expensive but ultra-stylish Carl Mertens Tabletop Fireplace, we told you about sometime back.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Bay Area Reporter, Cross Your Fingers For New Job, In The News, Captured Cuties

So I have my "Journey's Greatest Hit's" CD playing in the background blogger friends and readers because I am really just that much of a geek, and because we may have some new friends visiting our blog and website, courtesy of that city by the bay, San Francisco, Calif. The Bay Area Reporter, local GLBT newspaper of the Bay area that services all around and not just San Francisco, has a little mention of me, your favorite Gay Guru, quoting my love of Terri Yale of Davey's Basement. Check out the link to the B.A.R., to read the full story. Matthew, the reporter for the story did a great job featuring Terri. It was great to support her, and to talk to Matt, since we have kinda switched places. I am from California, and now blogging here in NE Ohio, and he is originally from Connecticut and now writing in Northern California. A small, small world blogger friends. Speaking of Terri, I will have a BIG post about her this weekend. In one final attempt to keep the store from closing and perhaps even move a few miles to a more friendly town, A local band has generously started a benefit concert for her. Put down Saturday, January 20th on your calendar. I will give you more details this weekend, and updates weekly until it happens. A certain Guru will be trekking up to the great state of Michigan to lend my support as well.

Tomorrow is the day friends. I find out whether I get to quit the job I hate, so I can take over my current duties as Sales and Marketing Director for Accent Media, as a PAID position. As you know, I have been volunteering since Thanksgiving for my good friend Chip, to help him get back on his feet with his Video production company. We are starting to do much better, and I am hoping to be part of the staff next week. I was really hoping for this week, but what can you do I guess. The new job is something that I love, sales and marketing, (and all around bitch, bookeeper, appointment setter, etc.), and the hours are better and flexible. I will actually end up working more hours, but on my time most of the time and not afternoon into the night every day. Wish me luck and be thinking of me, and I hope you all get your dream job in the New Year as well.

And a look at what's IN THE NEWS............i was so happy today, and even went to my local chapter of the Stonewall Democrats tonight and joined because, Dems Take Over Congress; well, this could make me change my mind and actually decide to join a gym this year, Ritzy Gym's Janitors Sue Over Gay Sex; and it was hard enough to decide what to buy for just ONE parent these past holidays, Two Moms & A Dad Ruling Cheered, Assailed; hmmmm, well, if they were shooting at the guys at a gay party, there was some hate going on from somewhere, maybe just not the legal kind, Shootings At Gay Party Not Hate Crime Chicago Official Says; and finally, our favorite fictional fag hag, Karen Walker, has been dumped, Megan Mullally's Talk Show Canceled.

Well, I decided since we may have some West Coasters joining us, I would open up the chat room a little early. There is now an official chat room link on the navigation bar at www.thegayguru.net. It is still rough and in the testing mode, so it is not the prettiest little chat room to look at, but I will be upgrading it and customizing it, within the next few weeks. Hope to see you in chat sometime, I will be in at 7pm Eastern Time US and 11pm Eastern Time US thru this Sunday, January 7th. Pop in if you can. Captured Cuties today are found over at blogger friends, "Casual in Istanbul", and their sexy blog. Enjoy blogger friends...........GG

New Years Resolutions Are From The Devil, Hug A Homo

So New Years resolutions blogger friends and readers were made to be broken!! It took me three days to break the, "I resolve to post something on the blog everyday, anything, even just to say hi." Well, that is shot to hell already, LOL. Seriously, who started these resolution things? Was it a bad person that really needed to repent for being such a snot? Are we really going around every year, emulating some totally messed up dude who needed to resolve not to be such a bad guy anymore? I am resolving that New Years resolutions are from the devil, evil, icky, and should not be emulated anymore. Thank God, now I can go finish that pint of Handel's Chocolate Pecan ice cream that is sitting in my freezer, that I resolved to stop eating dessert for the month of January. Of course, if I ate it for breakfast, it would'nt be dessert and I could keep my resolution! Oh Well, whatever, too much randomness for 630 in the morning boys and girls.

Have you hugged a homo today?? Well, I am hoping it will catch on. One of my directions on this blog in 2007 is to "Hug A Homo". As politically incorrect as that sounds, the idea is altruistic enough. From time to time, or maybe weekly, or maybe more often then that, I am going to randomly pick someone from the GLBT community, who deserves a hug and some kudo's for what they have done, or are doing to hold up our community with honor, dignity and respect. Today I am giving a "HUG" to high school senior Yasmin Gonzalez. If you have not been following her story, Yasmin is a 17yo high school senior in Okeechobee, Florida. She has become something of a target since November, when the American Civil Liberties Union filed a federal lawsuit on her behalf against the Okeechobee High School principal and school board for refusing to let her establish a Gay-Straight Alliance, an after-school club that promotes dialogue and tolerance. But public sentiment runs against Gonzalez in Okeechobee, a town of about 5,500 residents and around 60 churches 70 miles northwest of West Palm Beach. "I don't think it's right. If they're going to let that in school, it's showing it's OK. In the Bible it says it's an abomination. (A Gay-Straight Alliance) is not a message you want to give your kids," 31-year-old Dave Mangold said, sitting on a picnic bench in the heart of town on a recent afternoon. The father of three said most people feel the same way in this "small, hick town." Gonzalez doesn't believe in God or pray anymore, "because you can only be told you are going to hell so many times," she says. Yasmin says she never set out to make news, she just wanted to take her girlfriend to the prom. She gathered 500 signatures when the school told her they wouldn't allow same-sex couples, but nothing changed. When Yasmin tried to register her club, she said administrators first told her the school didn't allow any (despite listing more than a dozen on its Web site, like Future Farmers of America and Key Club). Later Gonzalez said she was told there were too many clubs, and finally that the school had an abstinence-only policy.

You can read the whole story HERE, but for today, think about if you were back in high school, and what difference a club would have made that was about your friends and peers accepting you for your true self you were becoming. Yasmin Gonzalez deserves a big Homo Hug, not just from me, but from everyone in our GLBT community for standing up for what is right, at a young 17. If you have anyone you know or read about who is deserving of a "HUG", drop me an email or send me a comment. I would love to feature them if I can here at the blog. Thanx Yasmine, good luck in college and all you do, "HUGZ!!"

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Thanx For A Great Year, In The News, Uh-Oh Animations, Captured Cuties

Sometimes blogger friends, you just have to step back, take a deep breath, and say wheeeeeeeewh!! I can feel the last bits of trouble and torment from 2006, slowly draining from my body and I am getting a little dizzy by the promises that 2007 can bring. You are all a big part of why I am excited about the prospects of the New Year. Although blogging almost daily for 9 months has made it seem much longer, I really have to be amazed by what has happened in a short 9 months. I have really done very little to promote this blog since I started in April, yet looking at the stats, I have had over 84,000 visitors to the blog, over 122,000 page views to the blog, over 10,000 visits to the website, and over 55,000 visitors to the MySpace page. A quick scan of the world map stats shows visitors from the tips of Australia, to the tips of South America, and from the Islands of Japan to across the USA. I have met cyber friends that will forever change my life, like Lady L, Mikey, Mike and D, Marko, Marco, Leonard, Stuart, and too many more to mention.

I did not do a "Year In Review", over the weekend, because, honestly, there was just too much talk about and think about, and there were some other bloggers and websites that just did it better. I am making a personal journal of big events this year, and use it hopefully in the last waning days of 07, to write down what happens this year. I am seeing big changes in the Gay Guru sites, big changes in the country with a different Congress, and the same ol' Iraq problems, and big changes in technology that will see this blogosphere and the other components of cyberland, boom with sonic sound of the space shuttle.

Some of the things IN THE NEWS, as we start our new year....... we can always use a hero, Berlin's Gay Mayor Rescues Neighbors From Fire; let's hope it's for the quality of recruit, not the quantity, Former Top General Calls For Repeal Of Gay Military Ban; they say that polls never lie, Poll: Nearly 60% Think Another State Will Legalize Gay Marriage In 2007; you take two steps forward, gotta take one step back, Mass. Lawmakers Uphold Vote On Gay Marriage Ban; and finally, doesn't this make you want to fly the friendly skies, British Air Force Searches For Gay Pilots

There's a new danger over the internet boys and girls.......yes, the Gay Guru has taken his first baby steps into learning animation. I know, I know, it's a pathetic first attempt, but it's a chance to look at some hot abs, and the speedo is changing colors courtesy of MOI dammit, LOL. Who knows where this will lead to. You can all send the nasty mail to D over at Dare Ya Wear T-Shirts for setting me on the path of simple animations.....bwaaa haaaa haaaaa..........

Have you found the mysterious link to the Gay Guru Chat room I have been testing over at the www.thegayguru.net?? So far, two of the invited guests have found there way in. We are experiencing a couple of bugs, but overall, I think I am going to like getting this chat room up and going. Read yesterdays post if you want to try to find your way into the room. Remember, the first one in who says HI that I didnt personally invite, wins a GG Grabbag of fabulous merchandise, LOL. Todays Captured Cuties are courtesy of my blogger friends Drew and Pepe at "He Said, He Said." Enjoy blogger friends, and remember, I will be perusing the chat room for at least a half hour every day thru this Sunday at 7pm and 11pm Eastern US time. Come in and say HI!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Years Festivities, Gay Guru Website Update, Find the Chat Room Contest, Original Sin Wanted in 2007

HAPPY NEW YEAR Blogger Friends and Readers!!! I hope none of you are still hung-over from too much champagne and ringing in the New Years. First Night Youngstown was rather uneventful if not a little fun. Not as many participated as I hoped, but then again it was rainy all day and most of the night, so what could you do. The fireworks still went off without a hitch, and even the low clouds, made some of the colors even better. They spent $5,000 dollars on the fireworks for two shows, one for the kids at 9pm and one at Midnight. We have a couple great fireworks places close by. In New Castle, PA, the Zamarelli's were the ones who put on the fireworks show in NYC for thier Rocking New Years, this year. Here locally, Phantom Fireworks, gave the city about $7,000 dollars worth of fireworks for their $5,000, so they could have the extra kids show. Along with the fireworks, there was Elvis, a couple of the local theatre groups, some bands, some movies, a horse-drawn carriage ride around the city, and of course the ball drop from the top of the bank building at midnight. Of course it is an alcohol-free event, but that didnt stop many from ducking in a few of the open bars downtown for some cocktails to warm them up and get them out of the rain. What did YOU do for New Years this year blogger friends?? Be sure to leave me a comment or drop me an email, would love to hear what went on around the country and around the world.

I changed the christmas music out of the Gay Guru website, www.thegayguru.net, and replaced it with some American Idol winners and runners-up, since the new season will start this month. WHOOO EEEEEEEE!! The Guru like's himself some American Idol!! I will also be spending some time each day the rest of the week, updating the rest of the website with new content as well. I am back on the lookout for a web designer who will take pity upon an old and penniless Guru to help build me a kewl new site for free or at a drastically reduced price. For now however, I have a bit of a quest for you all. I have hidden a link somewhere on the website. One that hasn't worked before, but I have set it up for a temporary link to a new page in the website. I have decided for 2007, to add a Chat Room to the Gay Guru website. I was looking around, and think I found a good chat room to add to the site. I have created a test page with a link somewhere on the webpage. I will be in the chat room each day this week, mon-sun, at 7pm Eastern time US, and 11pm Eastern time US. I will be on for up to 1/2 hour at least, each night. I have emailed some friends the exact link to get to the chat room. This is a free version of the one I am thinking of getting and I want to see what people think first, before I purchase the upgraded room. For the rest of you, or if you are a good friend that I have missed, I thought I would make a little game out of it. If you are the first one to find the chat room, when I am in there, I will send you out a little Gay Guru grab bag of goodies. If I get some positive feedback from my friends that I have invited to test out the chat room, it will be up and running for everyone, with it's own page on the navigation bar, next Monday. Happy hunting friends.

I am going to be appempting once again in the new year, to get you all to send a couple candid pictures of yourselves, that I can use for Captured Cuties of the day. For those that send in pictures, you can be credited or anonymous, and the pictures will be called, "Original Sin", since the pictures are not up anywhere else. So if you see "original sin" with the pics of the day, they will be from friends and readers like you. If they say "captured cuties", they will be pics from somewhere I found along the Internet Superhighway. You can send me your "original sin" pictures at the contact page of the website, or at the upper right side of the main blog in the "email me" button. Just put "original sin" in the subject line, and then let me know if you want me to name you, name you and your location, or want to leave you anonymous. Please remember this is a PG13 blog, meant for those 18 and over, both in the GLBT and straight community, but who knows who could click thru here, so please make sure there is no nudity besides an exposed bum. Thanx, and I hope we can get Original Sin going this year, it didnt really catch on last year, lets see if you all have opened up a bit, LOL.

For now, lets start off the new year, with some captured cuties from blogger friend over at "Proceed At Your Own Risk". This is going to be the best damn gay year period blogger friends...........Make it so..........GG

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