Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ohio Governor Debate, Rockstar Supernova, In The News, Eye Candy

Hey Blogger Friends!! The three day weekend is over here in the US and time for the kids to get back to school and the leaves to start falling off the trees. Busy day for the Guru today, I have to watch Rosie's premiere this morning on "The View", then I am rushing over to our local television station for the first debate of four, for our candidates running for Governor of Ohio. Ted Strickland (D), leaving a hotly contested district as one of Ohio's US Congressmen, is taking on challenger Kenneth Blackwell (R), the current Ohio Secretary of State. If you have read my blog for any length of time, I am sure you know who I am rooting for. Our current Governor here in Ohio, Bob Taft (R), has led a very corrupt 8 years, and ironically, after issuing an executive order mandating four hours of ethics training for his cabinet directors, assistant cabinet directors, and senior staff every two years, the Governor himself was CONVICTED of four misdemeaner ethics violations for disclosure laws. You know the Guru likes him some politiking, lol.
Kenneth Blackwell

Ted Strickland

After the debate, I have to head over to work for the afternoon and evening until 10pm, having me miss Rockstar Supernova yet again, (damn the world not having Tivo and just a dvd player.) We are down to the final 5 true believers, and it's getting pretty nail biting. With darkhorse and my thoughts on an upset dashed with Ryan Starr's eviction last week, I am keeping my final two predictions at Dilana and Magni, with Lukas a close 3rd. If Lukas ends up winning it, I will be very disappointed. Although he has hella showmanship, I dont think he is the right fit with the band. That leaves Storm and Toby on the chopping block this week. My bet is on Storm seeing the "Tommy"hawk this week. I think she probably has the most powerful voice of the final 5, just barely out powering Magni, but I am not sure if her deep register is a help or hurt, and I dont think Supernova see's her fronting the band, they just like her voice. Toby may squeek out a reprieve this week if Storm doesnt blow him away in the performance this week, otherwise, he will be hitting the road. Of course I am working both tonight and tomorrow again this week, so I will be watching just the You Tube performances and miss all the subtleties of what went on this week. Let me know anything big I may miss blogger friends.

In The News.........as further proof that some Democrats just dont get it either, Tennessee Gov. & GOP Opponent Argue Over Gay Marriage Amendment; and further proof that enough is just not being done, 137 Delegates To AIDS Conference Seek Asylum In Canada; a place where the voters "might" be starting to get it, Opposition Growing To Virginia Anti-Gay Amendment; and finally, for just one more reason on the heap of reasons there already are for disliking the Iraq war, Plight Of Iraqi Gays Worsens

Alright blogger friends, time for a shower and to get down to business today, hope you have a great day. Eye Candy today was found on a couple of my favorite MySpace sites, enjoy...............GG



Ooh-la-la on the shower picture! Hmm, almost makes him look like a shower attachment...one I'd buy in a heartbeat! ;)

As for Rockstar, I'm thinking it's time for Storm or Tobey to go, too. Storm's personality just grates on me for some reason. Ought to be a good show, though. And if you'd like an old VCR kiddo, it's yours...just let me know!


Hey GG, if you go to the Rockstar web site you can see nice quality videos of the performances tonight. http://rockstar.msn.com/ Enjoy! :)

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