Sunday, July 09, 2006

Lazy Sunday Post, Trying Audio Blogger Again, Pics Didnt Work - Now Added, Daily Eye Candy

Happy Sunday Blogger Friends. It seems like only half my attempt at blogging from afar worked out. I was at a festival near my home today, and I tried to send pictures to the blog and do an audiocast. Seems like only the audio cast worked out, so I am adding the pictures now. Long day here, left my place at 9 this morning to meet my friends for breakfast, and am back home at 8pm...yikes!! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend, you can listen to the audio blog below so I dont type everything again here. Just going to add the pics from the festival and some daily eye candy, and will talk to you all this week. Sorry the festival photo's kinda suck, but my cell phone camera kinda sux, LOL. I am up at 545am again tomorrow for another week of mon-fri 7am-3pm training sessions for work. Four more weeks to go, then back to sleeping in, lol. Have a great week, will be blogging between 3-6pm all week...cya...GG

this is an audio post - click to play

Youngstown Summer Arts Festival Craft Booths

Youngstown Summer Arts Festival...Face Painting Spiderman

Youngstown Summer Arts Festival...Food booths and more Crafts

Ytown Summer Arts Festival...Really Cool Area to Play Drums to Relax

YSU Campus.....Posters all around University Campus Promoting Diversity, this is one of many kind showing GLBT.

And Of Course.....Daily Eye Candy!!!



Aww, Scott, I LOVED your audioblog...made me feel like I just listened to a voice mail a friend left...very nice. :)


That boy crossing his heart with his hands should be in my bed.


«O sailor, sailor, wish water were the only element around us and ocean the single horizon of our lives...»
And then? Well, «vedere Venezia e poi morire...»
(Quite inspirational your pics!)

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